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Įrašai / Tributes

US Ambassador to Lithuania – Robert S Gilchrist

Irena Veisaitė will always be remembered as an exceptional voice of tolerance, empathy and optimism in Lithuania and among her many friends at the U.S. Embassy. Her passing is a tremendous loss. As a Holocaust survivor she used her devastating experience to invite others to appreciate her fellow citizens and the world in all its beauty. Irena's greatest gift to the world was her intellect, charisma, and relentless advocacy for the marginalized of society. She inspired both Lithuanian and foreign writers, historians, film makers, politicians, diplomats and youth to understand each other and to seek to transcend divisions. May the memory of Irena and her remarkable life live on in memory for generations to come ... Read More

George Soros

I want to pay tribute to my long time friend and collaborator, Irena Veisaitė. We knew each other for thirty years, we were close in age and had similar wartime experiences—as teenagers we both survived the ravages of Nazism, protected by courageous elders, I in Budapest, she in Kaunas. Also in common, we emerged from the first hand experience of Nazism with strong convictions in favor of open society and optimism.In Lithuania, Irena set an example of critical thinking and tolerance, and lifted up education and the humanities. She seized upon the ideas of open society as essential to help her country navigate a path away from its difficult Soviet past into a broader and better European future. To help open her ... Read More

Oskaras Koršunovas

Mano pirmas susitikimas su Irena įvyko dar sovietmečiu, tuometinėje konservatorijoje, kur ji dėstė užsienio literatūrą. Labiausiai įsiminė jos paskaitos apie Džovanio Bokačo „Dekameroną“. Ji kalbėjo apie erotiką kaip apie vieną pamatinių žmogiškųjų laisvių - bendrame komunistinio puritonizmo fone tai skambėjo galingai. Nuo tada iš jos aš mokiausi laisvės būti žmogumi ir pareigos tą laisvę ginti. Iš jos aš mokiausi, kas yra tolerancija - ne ta naujoji politinė dogma, bet tikroji širdies ir išminties tolerancija. Didele dalimi ir dėka Irenos sąvoka humanizmas man yra ne abstrakcija, o dalykas, kurio reikia siekti ir kurį reikia nuolatos ginti. Tai tapo mano kūrybos esmine gaire. Perėjusi holokausto krumpliaračius ir per stebuklą išgyvenusi, o po to studijavusi germanistiką, Irena visuomet buvo prieš bet kokias neapykantos ... Read More

Stephen Smith

My Dear Alina, I was so devastated to learn the news of the loss of your beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful, inspirational mother.   I am so sorry that this wretched disease got the better of her.  She wrote such a nice note just a few weeks ago when my own parents were sick with it.  She was such a good soul in so many ways.  My wife Heather, who never got to meet her, was asking me about her when I told her the news and so I was able to reminisce about the many times I went to Lithuania in the 90's and the time we had together.  The fun we had with Marina and Egle.  The time we went ... Read More